Friday, September 25, 2009

Emmett Thomas Tracy!

Greetings! Just want to send a shout out to Blogger Land that we have a new addition to the family. Emmett Thomas Tracy was born September 17th, 2009 at 2:17pm. He weighed in at 7lbs and 1oz and measures 19inches! Oh my goodness you all HAVE to see this pic...Only a couple of days old...can you believe it?

Mr. Personality!
Proud Parents Amanda and Tyler!
Congrats! We are so Happy for you here in SD!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Most hear the very word and shiver~~~~ Mine on the other hand is spectacular!!!! Ok people out in blog world, I don't think I have ever really explained how spoiled I am by her. In the past month Lynn has set me up with everything from a brand new top of the line breast pump, to post baby clothes so I can still feel "comfortable" and "pretty"! Who thinks about anyone like that. I even got the best coffee maker in the world that has taken the place of any other cup of coffee I will ever drink because she understands my passion for a fresh mug in the morning...I am spoiled! I love her to the hilt...seriously blessed.

My "pretty" active wear... (My legs-in highschool)

My back-pack breast pump...Fabo!

(Me as a blond)

A little piece of heaven...

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Rodney and I got a little bored last night and decided to show you all what we do during our free time. WARNING: This might be a bit disturbing for some....

Click Below...

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Urban Camping!!!

My children love two things...their Papa Austen and camping. But because they were born to Rodney and Anne Johnson, they still require some comforts in life. For example, they need the right temp, fans, proper bedding, water glasses, snacks on demand, a mother within 30 feet, and a bathroom near by...or is this just their adult supervision. Regardless, we as their parents and grandparents are going to try within our personal means to provide as much of an outdoor "wilderness" experience as we can throughout their "boy" years. This is what we (my dad) came up with....

The set-up...10 feet away from the house.

The camping team...

The only two brave souls who made it through the entire night!
On behalf of the Johnson family, "Thanks Papa!"