Thursday, July 31, 2008

This morning Jett woke up at 6:30am. He is pretty cute! and loves his banannas. His brother and Dad, of course, are still sleeping. And now even as I write this, he found an old cookie behind the desk and is eating it. Wow! I must need to clean!

I love this pic! This really somes up my husband's relationship with his first born!


JOEY! What a great kid. Definitly a first born. He is in to everything and anything his dad is. He has a love for trains, Veggie Tails, Thomas the Train, cici's (paci's), big cars, and loves hang'n out with his friends. He is very stong willed and loves the idea of independence. I think he would live on his own, work, and pay his own bills if we would let him. We love him so much and know that he is going to do great things. Ever since he survived Menigitis, I new that God had His hand on Joe's life.


JETT! He is just growing up too fast! He is not quiet sleeping through the night but very close! He is my happy-go lucky boy who smiles continuously. He loves his brother and can't wait till he can figure out that thing called walking. He and Joe both have had some rocky times with illnesses but seem to both pull out of it by around 10 months of age. Go figure!
Anyway, we love him so much and can't wait to see what God has in store for his life!

Is anyone else tired

Okay, I have just one thing to say! I am so tired!!! Anyone else out there feel this way? I love my children so much but ever since I have had them it is like all i can think of is when the next time I will be able to go to sleep! I once heard, and I don't know how true it is, but a mother loses something like 750 hours of sleep the first year their child is born. I know it will get better and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world and I feel blessed to have the life I have, I just need to get rid of the constant deep fog I live in. Any suggestions?