Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cowboy Troy!

This is WAY too funny and NOT a joke!
So apparently while we were unpacking from our Thanksgiving trip to Fargo, Joe found his cowboy hat that his Auntie got him while working in Medora. He refused to take it off all night...lots of drama in the Johnson household to get that sucker off...even for bath time!
Thanks Allie!

Seriously, this is how I found him in the bath tub before I put Jett in!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A True Brunette Diva!

I would just like to comment on the painful task it is to be this beautiful...Some of you in blogger land might think that I just wake up hairless and this exotic...the truth is, thanks to my Italian ancestry and genetics, I have to work at this and pour wax on my face once or twice a month so to blend in with modern day society. Blonds have it easy...for my brunette sistas out there...I feel your pain! For those uncomfortable looking at this, my apologies...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jett VS Winter!

I am realizing with my son Jett, that he has a very difficult time with change. I started to figure this out during the summer, with him HATING his swim trunks and the pool water. Now I am trying to get him used to winter, the cold, and wearing a hat and a coat where he can't even put his arms down. Needless to say, after many tears/tantrums, I can state without a doubt, Jett will hate change and will have to transition slowly into new things. Seasons just happen to be the first major transition in his life. We will keep you posted on more to come...

It's like a women wearing a new pair of shoes

around the house....

We just have to break-in our hats...Love you Jett!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Winter is here!!!

Be Careful! Very Icy!

Notice we don't have the same gloves on...I couldn't find one matching pair!

It is cold!

My husband... This picture says so much!

Jett's first Hair cut!

Before! We look a bit like Gallagher!

He sat so still! I was very proud of him!

All done and very wiped out! I guess that took a lot out of him!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."~Jesus
John 16:33

Lord in the midst of daily life I pray that You will be with us and protect us. Give us wisdom and show us Your way to do things. We praise You for all you have done in our lives and we lift all our blessings to You in great appreciation. I ask for comfort during our sorrows and patience to overcome them. You are God and we are not. Show favor for our family. Guide us to do Your will....Amen